"Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever." Walt Disney

Sunday, January 27, 2013

SPARC Update

From Feb 5-14th the specialists will be teaching SPARC. This is a time for SPARC participants to be involved in fun and exciting enrichment activities. During these 2 weeks students will need to be picked up at the main doors. Thank you!

Measurement & Data Unit

Next week, students will begin the measurement and data unit in math. Students will take a pretest tomorrow. We will use the pretest along with data from the winter MAPS test to help us place students in rooms that will deliver skills at their instructional level.

Camp Upham Woods Information Night

From Wednesday, May 29th -Friday, May 31st 2013, all fifth grade students from General Mitchell School in Mrs. Ceel’s, Miss Dierbeck's , Mrs. Graff’s, and Mr. Krupar’s classrooms will be going to Camp Upham Woods which is located a few miles north of the Wisconsin Dells. Upham Woods is a State 4-H Center, owned and operated by the University of Wisconsin.

​There will be an information meeting for all parents and their fifth grade child on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 2013 from 6:30-8:00 P.M. in the multipurpose room. At that time, we will explain the trip more completely, provide an overview of this year’s schedule, outline the costs for both students and chaperones, and respond to your questions or concerns. We will also discuss the students’ requirements for attending this trip. Parents who are interested in becoming a chaperone will be able to sign up that night.

A letter with more information will be coming home with your child next week.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Winter MAPS Testing

Next week begins our winter MAPS testing window. The purpose of MAPS testing in the winter is to gauge student progress through the first half of the year and get some fresh data to help us target areas of needs and strengths for the second half of the year. In the coming week, students will set goals for each of the three tests. Their goals will be set based on their fall score and the target score that is set for the spring test.

Parents, you can help us at home. Talk with your child about the importance of these tests. The scores are used to inform our instruction. In addition, scores for 5th grade students are used by the intermediate schools to make decisions about classes for next year. The goal is for students to understand the importance of the tests without making them overly nervous. I remind students that we see great things out of them everyday. When taking the tests, use your strategies and complete the tasks as you normally would and everything will be fine. If you have any questions about MAPS testing, please contact me for further information.

MAPS Math: Friday, January 25th @ 12:45
MAPS Reading: Monday, February 4th @ 12:45
MAPS Language Arts: Tuesday, February 12th @ 8:45

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mitchell Spelling Bee

Mitchell will hold its annual school Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, January 17th at 1:30 in the Multipurpose Room. Each 4/5 classroom selected 5 students to participate. Parents, extended family, and friends are invited to attend.

In our classroom, we held five mini-spelling bees to determine which students would represent our classroom. I have to say, there were plenty of very good spellers. In the end, five students emerged to represent Room 108. They are:

  • Haley F.
  • Aaron H.
  • Koryn W.
  • Ashley T.
  • Arielle H.

Congratulations and good luck to our Spelling Bee participants!

5th Grade THINK Class

The 5th grade students have begun their 5 week THINK program with Officer Nelson from the West Allis Police Department.

The THINK program is a character-building program about understanding yourself, and THINK ing about how your choices affect you, your family, and your friends, and how you want to live you life.

The program consists of five lessons, taught to 5th graders, by Officers of the West Allis Police Department. Lessons focus on alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and the importance of good friendships. Students are provided with a THINK workbook that mirrors the program as well as identifying common violations of the law with associating fines—again highlighting consequences. THINK before making choices is the theme throughout the entire program.

T - Take a look at your choices
H - How will this affect you, your family, or your friends
I - Intelligence (Use your head)
N - Never be afraid to be different or to say "No"
K- Keep on learning from your choices - good or bad

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Milk Cap Fundraiser Ending

Hello Mitchell families,
It is disappointing that this successful and easy fund raiser for the PTA is no longer available. However, at this time, please do not send any more milk caps to school for $.05 redemption.
· Kemps ended their program last year and we cannot submit any old caps
· It was just accounced on the news that Golden Gurnsey has closed it’s doors as of January 5th. There are not many details forthcoming, but it’s safe to assume that they will not be redeeming any milk caps.

We are continuing to collect Box Tops, Labels for Education/Campbell’s, and Tyson labels.

Thank you for your support,
Tracy and Scott Nitzsche, PTA Volunteers, Milk Caps

Monday, January 7, 2013

Parent-Teacher Conferences for Grade 5K-5

General Mitchell School
Parent-Teacher Conferences for Grade 5K-5
Dear Parents:
We are in the process of planning the Parent-Teacher conferences for Tuesday, January 15, 2013 from 4:00-8:00 PM.  Thank you to the 194 families out of 339 who took our Mitchell Tech Survey!  96.6% of you have access and a tool to use online, therefore we are trying something new this 2nd quarter.  You have the opportunity to sign-up for conferences online!  Parents will be able to login and sign up for their child(ren’s) conferences.  Scheduling online will allow you to instantly have your time locked in.  Please see the directions below to register online no later than 10:00 pm, Sunday, January 13th.  If you do not have computer access you can use the form below and indicate a time frame that fits best with your schedule.  We will attempt to schedule conferences during your selected time frame. 
4th & 5th grade parents:  Only families that did not conference in fall will need to register online
If you would like to schedule a conference with a special subject teacher (Phy. Ed., Music, Art, Band, Orchestra, etc), please indicate this below.
We will be using the program SignUpGenius.  I recommend clicking on the box to receive an email confirmation.  You will receive an email confirming your conference date and time.  If you send in your request using the form below, a paper confirmation will be sent home with your child.
If you have not registered on-line or return this Conference Slip a conference will be scheduled for you.  Thank you for your prompt response.
Directions to schedule conferences:
Go to the following link or Use your Smart Phone and click on the QR Code.
Enter the following access code:  Mitchell (it is case sensitive)
Scroll down to find your child(ren)’s teacher
Choose an available time and click on Sign Up
Verify the time and teacher
Type your child’s name in the Comment box
Fill the parent name and email address
Click on the box for a confirmation email
Click Sign Up


Deadline to Request your Conference Time online is 10:00 pm, Sunday, January 13th

or return this form by 8:00 am, Thursday, January 10th.


Parent’s Name______________________________             Child’sName_______________________________

Teacher___________________________________              Room _______________

I would like a conference with the following specialist(s) _____________________________________________________________

DATE:  Tues., Jan. 15, 2013

4:00-4:15 _______________

4:15-4:30 _______________

4:30-4:45 _______________

4:45-5:00 _______________

5:00-5:15 _______________

5:15-5:30 _______________


5:30-5:45 _______________

5:45-6:00 _______________

6:00-6:15 _______________

6:15-6:30 _______________

6:30-6:45 _______________

6:45-7:00 _______________